10 Website Design Tips to Create a High Converting eCommerce Website


eCommerce web design is an important factor for every modern eCommerce business. Web design is about more than just the appearance of your website, it is also about its functionality and user experience. Web design is a major key for creating a seamless shopping experience and ultimately converting customers. In this post, we break down some of the best tips for web design so that you can create a high-converting eCommerce website.


Simplicity is incredibly important for the look and usability of your website. Using too many elements on your site makes it messy and complicated. Avoid adding so many banners, colors, and popups that it distracts from closing a sale. Keep your menu minimal and sleek for better customer experience and a clean look. Focus on a clear, simple, and clean design.

Photos Sell

In the Instagram age, photos should be a top priority. People now are used to paying attention to photos on social media. So, mimicking this experience on your site will help draw their attention. Emphasize your products with high-quality photos, and design your site around photos. Consider using some flat lays displaying an arrangement of products. However, avoid overusing sliders and carousels, especially ones that flip through automatically. These make it hard for customers to see what is available.


Cohesive branding will make your site look and feel professional. Use your brand as the DNA of your site, and as a road-map for choosing colors, fonts, and other design elements. Stick within your brand image, but choose colors that help convert. For example, use a brighter color on the purchase button.

Easy Navigation

Think like a visitor when building your site. Navigation should be intuitive and obvious. The search bar should be easy to find at the top of your page. Allow users to search for products using filters like color, size, brand, or other options.

Savable Cart

The shopping cart should also be very clear. Many customers would also appreciate the ability to save their shopping cart and come back to it later, rather than having to restart when they are willing or able to complete the purchase. Allowing customers to save the cart will help you convert some who may have abandoned their cart, especially if you pair the saved cart with a follow-up email to remind them of their items.

Allow Guest Check Out

If you force customers to register for an account in order to make a purchase, you will lose a lot of potential conversions. It is nice to offer the ability to create an account for those frequent shoppers, but allowing guest checkout is critical. Anything that requires consumers to enter more information will cause you to lose sales. Provide the option for them to check out as a guest.

Optimize it for Mobile

Your eCommerce website is not just for desktop and laptop use. More shoppers than ever are using their mobile devices. A whopping 73% of consumers will switch from a poorly designed mobile site to one that makes purchasing easier. To capture mobile shoppers, you must make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices. Your site should be responsive on mobile, without any lags. Make sure that your site is mobile friendly.

Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews will help convert the customers who may have never purchased from your brand, or who are looking at a new product. 85% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations! Be sure to include reviews on your product pages. Make it clear and easy for customers to leave a review, and be sure to respond to any negative reviews. Testimonials from social media can also work as social proof to draw in customers. Simply add some of the best social media testimonials to your site or product pages.

Mark Out of Stock Items

Imagine browsing a site, finding what you want after scouring reviews, and then finally clicking the buy button just for the item to show up as out of stock. This experience would infuriate many potential customers, making it unlikely that they buy anything from your eCommerce business. While inventory management will help you avoid the out of stock items, you should make any out of stock items very apparent right on the product page.

The Bottom Line to Ecommerce Design

Set your eCommerce website up for success by implementing these tips when creating or revamping your online store. Creating a high-converting website is about both the look and feel of your site. Design your site with the customers’ journey in mind, making every process as simple for them as possible. Focus on design elements that are visually appealing, simple, and on-brand.

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